This morning, my friend who lives in Rome called to tell me he knew of an apartment that might be right for me. I agreed to come take a look at it this weekend, but at the same time, a pang of impossibility hit me right in the solar-plexus. It told me quite clearly, "Nice idea in theory, but it just can't be done."
This sort of thinking has always plagued me, I now realize. It sends conflicting messages to the universe, so to speak, as to exactly what it is that you want, so you stand no chance of bringing that idea into being. The initial creative thought--I'd like to move to Rome--is completely negated by the destructive thought--it's impossible.
This has always plagued me, but now this negativity has bubbled up to the surface. Unconscious thoughts have become conscious; their days of destroying what I would create are numbered (see Conscious Backgammon).
Later in the day, I was rummaging through the blogosphere, searching for websites to add to my new Recommended Blogs list, when I came across this video sales pitch by Joe Vitale for his book The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want
Now, I haven't read this book and I'm not sure any of us need to read it (though if you want to, click on the link above and it will take you to Amazon). I'm not sure ten techniques are required. We know all the we need to know already.
First, we need to understand what "counter-intentions" are, and the power that they have to destroy what we intend. Second, these negating thoughts need to become conscious. We need to make ourselves aware of them. Awareness will dissolve their hold over us and we will then be able to boldly move forward with whatever it is that arises within us to do (see The Visualization of Success).
Please realize, books like The Secret
(mentioned in the video) and The Key are not lifestyle choices. Visualization has nothing to do with a Hawaiian beach house or a Maserati.
Visualization is a tool we are all using all the time to manifest The Good in the world (see also The Philosophy of Success and The Anatomy of Success). The positive, creative thought is a visualization, and its negating thought is a visualization in the opposite direction.
I'll keep you posted on Rome.
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